Through the years Magia 2000 collaborated on different projects with Mattel Italy, USA, UK and many other local divisions. The following articles are about some of the important and official projects we developed for Barbie as external free-lance designers.
Magia 2000 is not sponsored by, or affiliated with, Mattel.
BARBIE and associated trademarks and trade dress are owned by, and used under permission from, Mattel. ©2016 Mattel. All Rights Reserved.

Barbie Wildfox

Barbie Wildfox

For the 2014 Xmas season, Mattel UK had the great collaboration with the famous Selfridges shopping mall in London, with 3 shop windows adorned with 6 Barbie. In collaboration with Mattel , we created the replica of the Barbie sport clothing line designed by […]

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Barbie Oriental Obsession


“Barbie© Oriental Obsession” is an exclusive and official Barbie doll designed byHiroyuki Kikuchi, created by MAGIA2000 for Mattel Italy and LUISAVIAROMA (Florence) for the fashion blogger event, Firenze4Ever 2015. She has been produced by Magia2000 following the design of the Japaneese artist, in a […]

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Barbie Sweet Delizia

Barbie Sweet Delizia

“Barbie© Sweet Delizia” is the souvenir doll for the 2015 Italian Doll Convention held in Milano – Italy, designed by Mario Paglino and Gianni Grossi, aka Magia 2000. For the second time, Magia2000 has been authorized by Mattel US to customize and designed a […]

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Barbie Ophelia Blaimer

Barbie Ophelia Blaimer

In July 2015, German Fashion designer , Ophelia Blaimer joins Barbie for a special collaboration and event in Munchen. Following her distinguished clothing and jewels line for Barbie, Magia2000 created this exclusive 3 one of a kind Barbie doll for Mattel Germany. The dresses […]

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Barbie Sophia Webster

Barbie Sophia Webster

In Spring 2015, Mattel UK, commissioned to create and produce the special limited edition Barbie doll designed by English shoe and fashion designer, Sophia Webster. Following her design and instructions, Magia2000 are happy to team up again with Mattel and created this special limited […]

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Barbie Tezenis

Barbie Tezenis

In Summer 2015, Mattel Italy , commissioned to create and produce the special limited edition Barbie doll designed by Tezenis, introducing the upcoming collection in store. Following Tezenis design, Magia2000 are happy to team up again with Mattel and created this special limited edition […]

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